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зачахнут vstresses
gen. droop (pf of чахнуть); become weak (pf of чахнуть); waste (pf of чахнуть); wilt (pf of чахнуть)
зачахнуть v
gen. wither; pine (о людях); peak; waste away; wither on the vine (Anglophile); wither away (pf of чахнуть КГА); shrivel up (wither, as with a loss of moisture; "The fruit dried and shriveled" КГА); pine away (от тоски и т. п. Julie Mesange); wilt (of plants); become weak (of persons); fade
Gruzovik wilt (of vegetation; pf of чахнуть); droop (of vegetation; pf of чахнуть); of a person become weak (of persons); of a person waste (pf of чахнуть)
Игорь Миг go nowhere
Gruzovik, bot. of vegetation wither away (pf of чахнуть); of vegetation wilt (pf of чахнуть); of vegetation droop (pf of чахнуть)
Gruzovik, fig. become exhausted (pf of чахнуть); tire oneself out (pf of чахнуть)
Gruzovik, med. of a person pine (pf of чахнуть); of a person waste away (pf of чахнуть)
Makarov. go into a decline; fall into a decline; wither away
зачахший prtc.
gen. stunted (Andrey Truhachev)
context. moribund (Agasphere)
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зачахнув v
gen. деепр. от зачахнуть
: 8 phrases in 3 subjects