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verb | verb | to phrases
захлопнутый prtc.stresses
el. shut
захлопнуть v
gen. shut down; bang to; bang down; blow shut; clap (крышку); slam down (дверь, окно); close with a bang (Andrew Goff); force down; bang; slam shut (дверь: They shoved him up through the door and slammed it shut 4uzhoj); slap shut (I pulled the keys out of the ignition, jumped out, and slapped the door shut. • Hansen finished the last of the systems checks, slapped panels shut along the conical body and patted the machine affectionately on one flank. 4uzhoj); fling to; slam closed (He slammed the door closed. 4uzhoj); jam; slam (дверь MichaelBurov); slot
Gruzovik shut in (pf of захлопывать); slam (pf of захлопывать)
inf. slam (MichaelBurov)
захлопнуться v
gen. slam; swing shut; clap (Aly19); bang shut (Andrew Goff); bang (о двери и т.п.); slam closed (The door slammed closed. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik slam t (pf of захлопываться); close with a bang (pf of захлопываться); slam to (pf of захлопываться)
amer. click shut (office door clicked shut buhind me Val_Ships)
Makarov. bang to; spring back
: 120 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Foreign policy1