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захапать vstresses
gen. grip; gripe
disappr. hoard for oneself (что-л., несправедливо: I have very modest means, I live with five roommates to make rent in this town. My boat is fifty years old and worth less than $5k. I keep her on a mooring ball, because even if I could find a slip for her in the Metro, the monthly cost would be beyond insane and in no way make sense economically. It’s a depressing state of affairs, the rich are doing everything possible to bleed any joy out of our lives so that they can hoard it for themselves and increase the value of whatever is left. Largely to rent it back to us. -- лишить нас радости в жизни, чтобы они могли всё захапать себе (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. lay hold of (pf of захапывать)
inf. get one's grubby little hands on (4uzhoj); lay one's grubby hands on (4uzhoj); get one's grubby hands on (4uzhoj); slam (MichaelBurov)
obs. grype
slang grab (1. to buy or steal items at a store, to buy drugs; 2. the act of acquiring. Tetiana Diakova)
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