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gen. protract; catch in; draw tight; draw tight; unnecessarily extend; enwrap
| винт
gen. external screw
| до отказа
 до отказа
nautic. press home

verb | verb | to phrases
затянуть vstresses
gen. protract; catch in (поясом); draw tight (что-либо); draw tight (стянуть, что-либо); unnecessarily extend (gennier); enwrap; inwrap; draw out to a great length (доклад и т. п.); slow (сюжет Candace); grow on (linton); prolong; close (pf of затягивать); span; lengthen (gennier); overextend; shroud (dark clouds shrouded the sky from east to west SirReal); pull tight; cover (with); clothe (in); delay; draw (into); involve (in)
Gruzovik drag down (pf of затягивать); drag in (pf of затягивать); lace up (pf of затягивать); tie up (pf of затягивать); cover (pf of затягивать)
auto. fasten down
fish.farm. draw in (dimock); suck in (dimock)
Gruzovik, fig. inveigle (pf of затягивать)
Gruzovik, inf. delay (pf of затягивать); spin out (pf of затягивать); begin to drag; begin to pull; begin to draw
Gruzovik, nautic. haul taut (pf of затягивать)
Gruzovik, tech. screw up tightly (pf of затягивать)
inf. strike up (a song)
Makarov. exceed the allotted time (выполнение работы и т.п.); string out; catch in (поясом и т. п.); draw something tight (что-либо); spin out
mech.eng. tight up (напр., гайку)
mech.eng., obs. turn home (болт)
mil. drag out
product. let it slide (Yeldar Azanbayev)
slang drag out (речь, доклад, действие в пьесе, фильме и т.п.)
tech. cross torque; tighten
затянуться v
gen. tighten smth. around oneself; tighten; become tight; heal over (of a wound); become clouded (of the sky); be obscured; last a long time; delay; draw down (папиросой и т. п.); pull at (папиросой и т. п.); draw out a scheme; run over (The meeting ran over, and he was late for dinner. • The previous presentation ran over and ours had to start late. Anglophile); run over time (о встрече, собрании Anglophile); draw off (I drew off the pipe wandervoegel); drag (папиросой и т.п. Rust71); become stalled (Alexander Demidov); be stalled (Alexander Demidov); become overcast; belt oneself; buckle belt; close; lace oneself up; inhale (when smoking); linger; be covered (with); be dragged down; be sucked in; skin over (of a wound); take longer (стать более продолжительным A.Rezvov); draw (on – сигаретой и т.п.: She drew hard on her cigar and plumed the smoke out towards the beach. 4uzhoj); drag out
cartogr. take a drag (He took a cigarette, lit it up, took a drag, and put it in the ash tray. -- затянулся / сделал одну затяжку ART Vancouver)
fig. be dragged in; be drawn in
inf. drag on; take a puff (сигаретой bellb1rd); be delayed; be dragged out
Makarov. draw down (сигаретой и т. п.); take a whiff; take the whiff
slang drag on (Tatiana H)
затянут v
inf. begin to drag (o)
: 201 phrase in 27 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling1
Corporate governance1
Figure of speech1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Mechanic engineering3
Obsolete / dated1
Rail transport1