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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
затушенный adj.stresses
gen. extinguished
затушить v
gen. dampen; dampen down (топку); damp; damp down (топку); stub out (сигарету: I stubbed out my cigarette in the big glass ashtray on Santis's desk. 4uzhoj); stamp out (огонь, сигарету и т.п., затоптав: Jeffrey stamped out his cigarette with the toe of his boot. • He stamped out his cigarette with his boot, smiled and said, ... • Paolo stamped out his cigarette with the sole of his shoe and sighed.); hush (дело); overlay; extinguish; suppress
Gruzovik extinguish; quench (pf of тушить); slake (pf of тушить); put out (pf of тушить)
fig. smother (дело)
Gruzovik, fig. quell (pf of тушить); suppress (pf of тушить); stifle (pf of тушить); repress (pf of тушить); put down (pf of тушить)
inf. butt out (окурок сигареты ART Vancouver)
Makarov. put out
shipb. damp (топку)
затусить v
slang hang about (Ivan Pisarev)
затушенный: 24 phrases in 5 subjects
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