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gen. make rings round; outshine (Anglophile); eclipse (Anglophile); steal the show; teach a thing or two (fa158); outsmart (Simian); go one better (кого-либо SirReal); do one better (кого-либо SirReal); transcend (Taras); cut down; wipe someone's eye (Anglophile); run rings around (someone Anglophile); easily beat (ART Vancouver); outperform (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг gain the upper hand; be vastly superior to; eat one's lunch; one-up; outcompete; surpass; outpace; outmatch
amer. bang the bush (Bobrovska); drag the bush (Bobrovska); leave in the dust (превосходить в чём-либо Val_Ships)
fig. give points to
Gruzovik, inf. outdo
idiom. run rings around (Andrey Truhachev); make rings around (Andrey Truhachev); drink someone under the table (выпив больше алкоголя Andrey Truhachev); take a wrecking ball to (Miley Cyrus has taken a wrecking ball to her rivals after her number one hit was named the most sung song of the year by a karaoke website. Ballistic); run circles around (Andrey Truhachev); have the better of (someone – кого-либо Bobrovska); score points off (someone SirReal); put to shame (He said Newt would put Obama to shame. ART Vancouver)
inf. run rings a round; blow out of the water (someone Unicorn); out alpha (Taras); put to shame; prove oneself more than a match (конт. Mikhail11)
literal. tuck into one's belt (4uzhoj)
Makarov. make rings around (someone – кого-либо); run rings around; run rings round; wipe someone's eye
slang make run a round rings; beat the pants off (someone Anglophile); run rings round
"заткнуть за пояс"
chess.term. outdo the opponent
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gen. beats the pants off (someone Telvika); knock into a cocked hat
fig., inf. outdo (someone)
Gruzovik, fig. eclipse (someone); outshine (someone); outdo (someone)
proverb knock somebody into a cocked hat; get the better of (someone)
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gen. show a pair of clean heels
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austral. done like a dinner (VLZ_58)
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: 27 phrases in 6 subjects