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gen. embark on; devise; hatch
gen. be afoot
| безнадёжное дело
 безнадёжное дело
gen. lost cause

verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. devise; hatch; machinate; project; start; undertake; conceive; resolve; contrive; brew (ссору и т. п.); meditate; kick up; plot (Andrew Goff); contemplate (в некоторых контекстах Ying); be up to something; be up to something (что-либо); raise; plan; get something going (VLZ_58); get started (I wouldn't have got the whole thing/this thing started if I hadn't believed that succes is my only option george serebryakov)
Игорь Миг embark on; mastermind; get the ball rolling
austral., slang chew over
Gruzovik, inf. organize (impf of затеять); venture (impf of затеять)
inf. launch; decide (with inf., to); make up one's mind (to); engineer
law compass
Makarov. be up to
Makarov., inf. get under (to); get up; get up to; kick up (что-либо плохое)
затеваться v
gen. be afoot
Gruzovik, inf. be proposed (impf of затеяться); be intended (impf of затеяться); be started (impf of затеяться); be starte (To LivBliss: Multitran deleted numerous entries of mine when switching to the new version, then re-instated them with the last letter of my original entry clipped off; please look at adjoining entries, if any; this will save you from having to make error reports such as "this is not a legitimate entry")
inf. organize; undertake; venture; start
obs. hatch
затевать: 74 phrases in 9 subjects
British usage, not spelling1