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gen. drag; pull; mislay; stale; belabour
inf. wear out
Makarov. carry somewhere; carry away somewhere; drag somewhere; drag away somewhere
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| буровую вышку
 буровая вышка
bridg.constr. derrick

verb | verb | to phrases
затаскивать vstresses
gen. drag; pull; mislay; stale; belabour (частым употреблением, повторением; делать избитым или скучным); wear out; hoist (The Hlambela Male shows off his impressive strength and hoists a fully grown male Impala up a large Jackalberry tree showing why these large cats at pound for pound are considered to be one of the strongest in the world. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, fig. make trite (impf of затаскать); make hackneyed (impf of затаскать)
Gruzovik, inf. soil with wear (impf of затаскать); make dirty with wear (impf of затаскать); drag about (impf of затаскать); drag away (impf of затащить); drag off (impf of затащить); leave in the wrong place (impf of затаскать); wear out by making someone go from one place to another (impf of затаскать)
inf. wear out (by making someone go from one place to another); become worn out (impf of затаскаться); wear out (impf of затаскаться)
Makarov. carry somewhere (что-либо куда-либо); carry away somewhere (что-либо куда-либо); drag somewhere (кого-либо куда-либо); drag away somewhere (что-либо куда-либо); drag away; drag off; make dirty
Makarov., fig. make common; make hackneyed; make trite
O&G, casp. pull-in (трубопровод, шлангокабель и т.п. raf)
O&G. tech. tow
затаскиваться v
gen. get to; drag oneself to
Gruzovik, inf. wear out (impf of затаскаться); become worn out (impf of затаскаться); become dirty (impf of затаскаться)
inf. drag about; make dirty (with wear); make hackneyed; soil
inf., fig. make trite
затаскивать: 17 phrases in 7 subjects
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