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засранец nstresses
gen. Failure (PavlodarSwede); skunk (sever_korrespondent); shitbreak (JIZM); little brat (DoctorKto)
brit. arsehole (Franka_LV)
contempt. sleazebag (человек, который не моется неделями, а то и месяцами; так говорили солдаты в армии США YudinMS); skiddy boy (amorgen)
fig.of.sp. douche (Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik, rude shitass; stupid person
inf. brat (Andrey Truhachev)
invect. bastard (Pickman); asswad (Vladlina); cucker (Taras); fucker (Taras); asswipe (Taras); douchebag (April May); shitbird (Am.E. Taras); shit stain (a worthless individual Taras); shithead (Some shitheads broke into the high school science lab, so we're gonna head over there and find out if anybody saw anything Taras); shit bucket (Am.E. Taras); shit-licker (cnlweb)
rude c; fuck (ам. англ Andrey Truhachev); git (Баян); greaseball (два наиболее подходящих варианта перевода, см. ссылку на академический словарь: He didn't react at all, not even to the slap. That and being called a greaseball must have been deadly insults to him. But this time he just stood there wooden-faced, motionless. (Raymond Chandler) academic.ru ART Vancouver)
slang Adam Henry (Svetlana D); stinkpot (Anglophile); turdpants (Alexey Lebedev); dumpshit (Bauirjan); squitter (NGGM); crustass (ArtShow); jag-off (Taras); arseling (диалект, устаревшее. В отношении задиристых юношей.: Do you believe I have betrayed you, Arseling? Ты веришь, что я тебя предал, засранец? DimitryBond)
vulg. shit (Leonid Dzhepko); douchebag (April May)
"засранец" n
gen. slobby (lacking neatness in dress or person merriam-webster.com Windystone)
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling2