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gen. videoed (Anglophile)
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gen. capture on video (Anglophile); capture sb/sth on film (Alex Krayevsky); take a video (Lovely belted kingfisher let me take a video – so kind! – позволил снять/заснять себя на видео ART Vancouver); capture footage (Recently, a team of researchers equipped some of the Navy’s dolphins with cameras and captured some remarkable footage of the cetaceans hunting and feeding. • A woman visiting a national park in Australia captured footage of a curious creature that some suspect could be a Tasmanian Tiger, though not everyone is convinced that the odd animal is the legendary thylacine. (Coast to Coast AM) gizmodo.com ART Vancouver); get footage (He briefly lost sight of the creature but it reappeared around the wreck. The group trained cameras on it, capturing what they say is incredibly rare footage of a shark not usually seen in shallower waters. "Thank goodness I'm diving with some phenomenal videographers because they were able to get that unreal footage," McTavish said. "Otherwise, nobody would have believed us or myself that, you know, there's this incredibly rare shark to see." castanet.net ART Vancouver)