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gen. retire; stay; hide; lie in ambush; set to
| лесом
gen. through wood

verb | verb | to phrases
засаживать vstresses
gen. plant; confine; compel to
Gruzovik plant with
agric. put (какой-либо культурой); put (какой-либо культур)
Gruzovik, inf. put in money, etc (impf of засадить); plant into (impf of засадить); plunge into (impf of засадить); shut in (impf of засадить); keep in (impf of засадить); set to (impf of засадить); compel (impf of засадить); sink in money, etc (impf of засадить); stick into (impf of засадить); drive into (impf of засадить)
inf. keep confined (at home, in/to prison, etc.); to sit someone down (with за + acc., to); stick (with в + acc.); thrust; plunge (something into something)
Makarov. plant with
mech.eng., obs. drive (напр. оправку в изделие)
taboo stroke (член Побеdа)
засаживаться v
gen. retire; stay; hide; lie in ambush; set to; plant (with); settle; sit down
Gruzovik, inf. get down to; sit down to
inf. sink (in); plunge (into); stick (into); compel (to); confine; keep in; plant (into); set (to); shut in; sit down (to); put (in); drive (into)
засаживать: 25 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Mechanic engineering1
Wood processing1