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заповедник nstresses
gen. reserve; nursery; reservation (в США и Канаде); conservation; park; sanctuary; conservancy area; wildlife sanctuary; game-reserve; nature reserve; park (амер. тж. national park); conservancy area (природный, архитектурный); sanctum; conservation area (территория с природными объектами особой научной, экономической и культурной ценности); game reserve
account. farm
amer. national park
anim.husb. sanctuary
biol. reserved area
brit. area of outstanding natural beauty (охраняемый государством "район выдающейся природной красоты" Anglophile)
busin. landscape protection area
cartogr., amer. forest reserve
ecol. natural reserve; reservation park; wildlife reserve; nature-sanctuary (Andrey Truhachev); conservation centre (sankozh)
fig. zoo (контекстуально: tiger shark zoo sankozh)
forestr. preservation plot (в индии)
forestr., amer. natural area; research natural area; scientific purpose area
forestr., horticult. nature reservation; deer park
geogr. reservation
law forest (для охоты)
Makarov. conservancy (природный, архитектурный); conservation (особ. лесной); conservation area (природный, архитектурный); wilderness; wildlife refuge
nat.res. preserve; nature preserve (The image in question was said to have been taken at a nature preserve known as Drongo Trail. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); national preserved park; nature preserve; preserve area
pulp.n.paper closed wood
railw. conservancy district
russ.lang. Zapovednik (транслитерация русского слова, приблизительный синоним National park Козловский Николай)
sociol. area of landscape importance; natural park; nature park
subl. a sequestered place (Liv Bliss)
tech. conservation area; wildlife area; refuge; wildlife preserve
zool. wildlife reservoir
заповедники n
gen. wildlife sanctuaries (an area where wild animals and plants are protected. Most of those who visited the area were serious birders, and the place was a protected wildlife sanctuary., While the tigers in India's wildlife sanctuaries are thriving, those roaming elsewhere are competing for space with dams, roads, tourist complexes, industry, and even villagers scrounging for firewood or grazing ground. Collins Alexander Demidov); nature reserves (a tract of land managed so as to preserve its flora, fauna, and physical features. NOED. area set aside for the purpose of preserving certain animals, plants, or both. A nature reserve differs from a national park (q.v.) usually in being smaller and having as its sole purpose the protection of nature. endangered species are often kept in reserves, away from the hunters who brought them close to extinction. In the United States, numerous wildlife refuges have served this purpose, especially with respect to birds. Nature reserves are also numerous in Europe, India, Indonesia, and some African countries. The origin of modern nature reserves lies in medieval times, when landowners established game preserves for the protection of animals that they hunted. The idea of protecting animals simply to keep them from dying out did not arise until the 19th century. Britannica Alexander Demidov)
Makarov. conservation areas; reserves
"Заповедник" n
lit. Pushkin Hills (Довлатов grafleonov)
 Russian thesaurus
заповедник n
gen. участок земли либо водного пространства, в пределах которого весь природный комплекс полностью и навечно изъят из хозяйственного использования и находится под охраной государства. Заповедником называют также научно-исследовательские учреждения, за которыми закреплены указанные территории. В Российской Федерации на 1994 ок. 90 заповедников и заповедно-охотничьих хозяйств. В заповеднике запрещается всякая деятельность, нарушающая природные комплексы или угрожающая их сохранности. См. также Биосферный заповедник, Национальный парк. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 246 phrases in 38 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Animal husbandry1
Cultural studies1
Fish farming pisciculture3
Fishery fishing industry8
Maritime law & Law of the Sea1
Name of organization1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation9
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas4
Research and development1
Trade classification1
United Nations2
Water supply1
Wood processing4