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занятия физической культуройstresses
gen. physical exercise (1. movements and activities done to keep your body healthy or make it stronger: Again, it is worth taking some brief physical exercise or doing a relaxation response to get rid of this tension. 2. a particular set of movements intended to improve health or make you stronger: a series of physical exercises to improve stamina Example sentences containing 'physical exercise': There is a proven direct relationship between regular, physical exercise and a healthy heart. Shreeve, Caroline (Dr.) How to Lower High Blood Pressure (1994) It seemed to me to be a particularly thoughtful gift, especially since she claimed not to be getting enough physical exercise. Christianity Today (2000) Are you getting enough physical exercise, keeping up with family and friends, eating and sleeping properly? Times, Sunday Times (2007) And if you want to gain more from your physical exercise than simply improved fitness or a trim torso, you could always try a dance class. Times, Sunday Times (2009) collinsdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
med. exercises
занятие физической культурой
gen. fitness (Alexander Demidov)
занятия физической культурой
: 16 phrases in 3 subjects