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занимающий третье место
 занимать третье место
gen. rank third
law be the third-largest player
sport. come third
 занимающий третье место
gen. third-biggest
econ. highest a the third high-efficiency; highest the third high-efficiency
| в мире
 в мире
gen. globally; in the realm of
formal throughout the world

to phrases
занимающий третье местоstresses
Игорь Миг third-biggest
econ. highest a the third high-efficiency (напр., по объёму производства); highest the third high-efficiency (напр., по объёму производства)
Makarov. the third highest (напр., по объёму производства)
занимать третье место
gen. rank third
law be the third-largest player (Orange says it is the third-largest player in that corporate market, holding 15 percent market share for both data transmission services and IT services. TMT Alexander Demidov)
sport. come third (igisheva)
занимающий третье место: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Cliche / convention1