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занимайся своими деламиstresses
gen. go about your business (A.Rezvov)
inf. mind your own affairs; stick to your knitting (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П)
заниматься своим делом
gen. stick to one's last; up one's alley; mind business; go about business; mind one's affairs (Aly19); paddle your own canoe (He decided to paddle his own canoe and set up his own business. Interex); mind one's own business (artery); hoe one's own row (Foote was not a loner, but one who had learned to hoe his own row in virtual silence. Alexander Demidov); keep to oneself (Liv Bliss)
amer., Makarov. hoe one's own row
busin. mind one's work
idiom. cultivate one's garden (z484z)
idiom., inf. butt out (В.И.Макаров)
inf. do one's thing (L.A. is so spread out, most Canadians don't have time to socialize, everybody's busy doing their thing. You think we're getting together over a Tim Horton's coffee and maple syrup pancakes? ART Vancouver); wind one's neck in (MichaelBurov); wind their neck in (MichaelBurov)
Makarov. attend to one's business; mind one's own to stick to one's own knitting; mind one's to stick to one's knitting; stick to one's last
заниматься своими делами
gen. attend to one's affairs (maystay); go about one's business (A.Rezvov)
Игорь Миг go about one's work
idiom. tend one's own garden (Go ahead and tend your own garden first before moving on to anyone else's plot of land. VLZ_58)
Makarov. attend to one's business; be about one's business; go about one's duties; stick to to one's business; take to one's business
quot.aph. cultivate one's own garden (To take care of one's own needs before trying to take care of others: "The mayor ought to cultivate his own garden before he starts telling the governor what to do." This is the moral of Candide, by Voltaire : take care of your own, and the world will take care of itself. VLZ_58)
занимайся своим делом
gen. stick to your last!; mind one's own business
amer. stay in your lane (Taras)
Makarov. mind your own business
занимайтесь своим делом
gen. mind you own business; mind your own business
занимайтесь своим делом!
gen. mind your own concerns!
inf. none of your business (Bobrovska)
заниматься своими собственными делами
Игорь Миг get on with one's life
заниматься своим делом ply one's trade;
idiom. ply one's trade (Andrey Truhachev)
занимайся своими делами
: 21 phrases in 5 subjects