
   Russian English
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gen. deputize; displace; double; supply; surrogate; fill in name
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| обязанностях
gen. responsibility

to phrases
заместить vstresses
gen. deputize; displace; double; supply; surrogate; fill in one's name; take the place of (кого-либо); stand for; take someone's place; act; take the place of (someone – кого-либо); fill (a position); substitute for; fill in for
Gruzovik take someone's place (pf of замещать); replace (pf of замещать; by); act for (pf of замещать); deputize for (pf of замещать); exchange (pf of замещать); serve in place of (pf of замещать); transplace (pf of замещать); substitute for (pf of замещать)
Makarov. substitute by (первое вторым); substitute for (второе первым)
math. replace
patents. take the place
заместимый prtc.
gen. commutable
заместит v
gen. replace (by)
заместить: 10 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Oil and gas1