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заключать сделки
 заключать сделки
gen. cut deals
adv. do business
busin. transact
invest. pursue deals
 заключать сделку
gen. conclude a bargain with
bank. put through
econ. conclude a transaction; clinch; conclude a deal; strike a bargain
| своп
bank. swap

to phrases
заключать сделкуstresses
gen. settle with (с кем-либо); terminate (MichaelBurov); close with; close a transaction; drive a bargain; make a bargain; tie up a deal; close; covenant (напр., торговую); regulate (MichaelBurov); resolve (MichaelBurov); rule (MichaelBurov); dispose of (MichaelBurov); fix upon (MichaelBurov); cinch (MichaelBurov); complete (MichaelBurov); actuate (MichaelBurov); arbitrate (MichaelBurov); ordain (MichaelBurov)
adv. close deal; close transaction
bank. put through; carry out a deal
busin. settle; contract; swap; make deal; do a deal with (smb, с кем-л.); make a deal with (smb, с кем-л.); negotiate deals
econ. conclude a transaction; clinch; conclude a deal; strike a bargain; strike a deal; put through a deal; settle a bargain; settle a deal; do a deal; negotiate a deal; arrange a bargain; close a bargain; effect a bargain; make a transaction; close a deal; make a deal; transact a bargain; transact business with; transact a deal
econ., amer. consummate a transaction
inf. ink a deal (Technical)
invest. transact business
law bargain; deal; enter into a transaction (@n.net); accomplish a deal (из перевода ФЗ РФ "Об акционерных обществах" Mark_y); effect a deal (Право международной торговли On-Line)
Makarov. accomplish a deal; clinch a bargain; conclude a bargain; do a bargain; effect a transaction; nail down a deal
заключать сделки
gen. cut deals (with bookworm); protocol
adv. do business (But you haven't even given them a reason to do business with you yet and you are already set to close the deal. How to Get the Most Bang for Your Marketing Buck | Marketing by markhannah / Advertising, marketing, public relations community Both the buyer and seller can do business through simple mouse clicks from the convenience of their homes. Ecommerce Software for Successful Online Business by Mac Andreo / Business community This feedback may be able to give you an idea as to whether or not you should do business with the individual or company in question. The Benefits of Choosing An Established Oahu Real Estate Agent by Maria Sanchez / Real estate industry community. TFD Alexander Demidov); do business
busin. transact
invest. pursue deals (Ремедиос_П)
Makarov. conduct transactions
заключать с кем-либо сделку
gen. conclude a bargain with; close a bargain with; settle a bargain with
заключать сделки своп
: 63 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development4
Mass media1