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verb | verb | to phrases
задумывать vstresses
gen. envisage (I. Havkin); conspire; forecast; plan; decide on; decide to (with inf.); think of; choose (e.g. a number in a game); conceive; resolve; decide; intend; design; bethink; devise; plot; lay a scheme; conceive the idea; contemplate; concert; envision (z484z); be up to (Юрий Гомон); have in mind; contrive (Stas-Soleil)
Gruzovik bethink oneself of (devise); plan
Игорь Миг mastermind
busin. be up to (smth, что-л.)
fig. weave
inf. be a mind to (Technical)
Makarov. conceive as; think of something (что-либо)
задумываться v
gen. reflect; meditate (over); engross in thought; hesitate; muse; bother (linton); conceive the idea; contemplate (о чём-либо: Pabst's advise to those contemplating building a house is to think with your head as well as your heart. 4uzhoj); intend; address (о чём-либо); think; begin to think; ponder (with над or o); have in mind; plan; take thought; be lost in thought; become thoughtful; be designed (The Mounties say in this case the Amber Alert worked exactly as it was designed to. -- именно так, как была задумана / как она создавалась / именно так, как рассчитывали, что она будет работать ART Vancouver); wonder (Investors often wonder what they can do to improve their success – especially during a time when markets and the economy seek more stable ground. -- задумываются над тем, что они могут предпринять ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik become thoughtful; grow pensive (impf of задуматься); plunge into reverie (impf of задуматься); be deep in thought (impf of задуматься); brood (impf of задуматься; over)
build.mat. start wondering (elena.kazan)
Makarov. be thoughtful; muse about; muse on; muse over; muse upon
задумывалось v
gen. in theory (grigoriy_m)
: 123 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Bookish / literary1
Cliche / convention4