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verb | verb | to phrases
задраться vstresses
gen. slip up (My trouser had slipped up, exposing a few inches of my skin. Faleks); split; break (off; of fingernail, etc); hitch up (…his foot still on the bench with the trouser leg hitched up… VLZ_58); ride up (She saw his trouser-leg ride up to expose a black sock. VLZ_58); pick a quarrel (Raz_Sv); come to blows (with Raz_Sv)
Gruzovik break off – of fingernail, etc (pf of задираться); split of fingernail, etc (pf of задираться)
Gruzovik, inf. ride up of clothing (pf of задираться); begin to fight with; come to blows with
inf. begin to fight (with); come to blows (with); ride up (of clothing); pick a quarrel
задрать v
gen. hector; crane (pf of за Gru); tear to pieces; kill; whip; flog
Gruzovik flog to death (pf of задирать); tear off (pf of задирать); gall (pf of задирать); fret (pf of задирать); kill; scratch (pf of задирать); tear to piece (pf of задирать); break (pf of задирать); tear to pieces
brit. hoick up (напр., юбку Anglophile); hoick (подол платья и т.п. Anglophile)
Gruzovik, inf. lift up (pf of задирать); pull up (pf of задирать); crane (pf of задирать; as in задрать голову – crane one’s neck)
inf. pick a fight
mech.eng., obs. score
vulg. flip (подол юбки или платья Rust71)
: 33 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech1