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navig. grounding
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 до глубины души
prop.&figur. the bottom of heart

to phrases
задеть vstresses
gen. hurtle; affect (emotionally); pique; wound (he was wounded in his deepest affections – он был оскорблён в своих лучших чувствах); scrape; catch (He was caught up in the blast. – Его задело взрывной волной. 4uzhoj); derogate; offend; raze; rub; become personal (кого-либо); hurt someone's feelings; walk into (Mermaiden); give one a dig (замечанием); have a dig at (замечанием); get to (someone); морально Баян); wing (в значении ранить Telecaster); ruffle feathers (Whether or not this document ruffled feathers among the 48 treaty nations nobody knows, since the meetings are closed to outside observers and the contents of the discussions are not disclosed. TG Alexander Demidov); rub someone the wrong way (kriemhild); irk (Liv Bliss); nettle; reach (шпагой, рапирой); shave; touch (обыкн. p. p.); dent (It'll be nearly impossible to keep from speaking your mind in a way that doesn't dent a few sensitive egos, so be ready to do a little damage control. VLZ_58); whack (Apologizing in Russian isn’t, at first glance, very complicated. You get used to rattling off извините (excuse me) or простите (forgive me) whenever you step on someone’s toe in the metro or whack someone with your backpack on the street. themoscowtimes.com); be negatively perceived (did you realize your comment could be negatively perceived? SirReal); brush up against (6Grimmjow6); hit; brush against; catch (on); snag (on); arouse; whet (one’s curiosity); graze
Gruzovik hit; strike against (pf of задевать)
Игорь Миг get under the skin; annoy
amer. sideswipe (бортом); clip (за что-либо; The plane lost control, clipping power cables as it fell. Val_Ships)
athlet. stumble (on the hurdle, барьер)
auto. score
dipl. take a potentiality at (кого-либо)
Gruzovik, fig. hurt (pf of задевать); sting (pf of задевать)
hockey. get a piece of a shot Brandon Saad got a piece of Duncan Keith's shot for a power-play goal., т.е. полевой игрок задел шайбу, изменив направление её полёта. With 16 seconds remaining, Arizona's Mike Smith got a piece of a shot by Chicago's Andrew Shaw. The puck trickled away from him and almost slid completely across the goal line before it was cleared.. В данном случае вратарь задел шайбу, не позволив ей пересечь линию ворот. (VLZ_58)
inf. get under someone's skin (суметь сознательно обидеть Marina_Onishchenko); step on someone's toes (чьи-лбо чувства) to upset someone, esp. by getting involved in something that is their responsibility 4uzhoj); trigger (чьи-либо чувства joyand)
Makarov. barb; have a fling at (кого-либо); brush against (слегка коснуться); catch up; hurt; hurt someone's feelings (кого-либо); pain someone's feelings (кого-либо); take a pot shot at (someone – кого-либо); take a pot shots at (someone – кого-либо); take pot shots at (someone – кого-либо)
math. touch
shipb. foul
slang reach
sport. catch a piece of (The puck caught a piece of the goalie and went in. VLZ_58)
tab.tenn. clip (the ball just clipped the net – мяч едва задел сетку SirReal)
uncom. barb (за живое)
слегка задеть v
gen. brush; brush against
задев v
navig. grounding
задеть: 258 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
British usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech3
Mass media1
Table tennis1
Weapons and gunsmithing1