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inf. give a beatdown
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gen. wallop; give a bashing; give a whopping (кому-либо); give gyp (кому-либо); give gip (кому-либо); thresh the life out of (кому-либо); dress down; jump (somebody КГА); bust up (Artjaazz); curry; lay into (VLZ_58)
austral. give someone a Bondi; give a serve (george serebryakov)
austral., inf. give someone Larry Dooley
idiom. give the works (someone Юрий Гомон); take into the woodshed (george serebryakov)
inf. give it hot (someone); scold; kick ass (MichaelBurov)
Makarov. thrash the life out of (someone – кому-либо)
slang mop up on; give someone the business (Юрий Гомон); jerk a knot in someone's tail (Также используется вариант "... ass". Hurry! Mama said she was gonna jerk a knot in your tail if we're late. VLZ_58); rip a new one (VLZ_58); rip a new asshole (VLZ_58)
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gen. give a drubbing; give a dusting
avunc. give someone a spanking (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. give someone a dusting
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idiom. give sb. the works ("I am in a position to slip it across the man in no uncertain fashion. If he attempts any rough stuff, I will give him the works." (P.G. Wodehouse) -- Если он прибегнет к рукоприкладству, я задам ему трёпку.  ART Vancouver)
inf. lay it on (smb.)
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inf. give a spanking (Andrey Truhachev)
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: 12 phrases in 3 subjects