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to phrases
задаться вопросомstresses
gen. ask oneself (bookworm); makes wonder (Nadia U.); help but wonder (Asterite); wonder (People are wondering about the direction of council. Many voters have serious doubts about the way it's been headed. • Taking into consideration the fact that government agencies have investigated UFOs, psychic phenomena (such as ESP and out of body experiences), the world of the occult, and much more of a weird nature, it's natural to wonder if those same agencies have ever investigated the Loch Ness Monster. Well, in a way, yes, there have been investigations. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • Sometimes I wonder about you. – Иногда мне кажется, что у тебя с головой не всё в порядке.  ART Vancouver); ponder a question (Taras); ask oneself a question
Игорь Миг agonize about
book. ask (igisheva)
math. ask a question
задать вопрос
gen. ask; demand; ask a question; put a question; pose a question (to someone: I have never asked anyone, ever, what they had for dinner the night before last and I certainly would not dream of flying half way round the world to pose such a question • Rosa posed a question about fate and destiny, to which Ian responded by distinguishing between the two concepts, emphasizing destiny involves shaping one's life rather than it being predetermined. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); make an enquiry (Сall and make an enquiry or book an appointment. 4uzhoj); wonder (Taking into consideration the fact that government agencies have investigated UFOs, psychic phenomena (such as ESP and out of body experiences), the world of the occult, and much more of a weird nature, it's natural to wonder if those same agencies have ever investigated the Loch Ness Monster. Well, in a way, yes, there have been investigations. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver); ask a question of (someone – кому-либо Maria Klavdieva)
uncom. question; question (следует быть осторожным с таким вариантом, поскольку to question чаще означает "поставить под сомнение" или "допросить", чем "задать вопрос")
задавшись вопросом
gen. wondering (Wondering if these peculiar rings could also appear elsewhere in the world, researchers reportedly developed an AI model which recognizes fairy circles based on known pictures of the phenomenon and then set the technology loose on a slew of satellite images to see what it might uncover. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
задать кому-л. вопрос
gen. put a question to (smb.)
задаться вопросом
: 93 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Mass media1
Public relations1