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verb | verb | to phrases
забросать vstresses
gen. blanket; overwhelm; shower; bring; take; pepper; abandon; deliver (to a certain place); give up; leave behind (somewhere); let go; mislay; neglect; saturate (As the enemy surrounded the gun pit, they saturated it with hand grenades and small arms fire. 4uzhoj); pelt (Women and children pelted us with water grenades from above. • Infantrymen pelted the position with hand grenades. • Hillary Clinton's motorcade was pelted with rotten tomatoes. 4uzhoj); throw at (Andrey Truhachev); inundate (напр., вопросами SirReal)
Gruzovik begin to throw; fill with (pf of забрасывать); fill up with (pf of забрасывать); bespatter with (pf of забрасывать)
Gruzovik, fig. bombard with (pf of забрасывать)
inf. supply; begin to throw at one another
Makarov. bespatter with; cover with (сверху); fill up with (заполнить); pelt with; fill with (заполнить)
Makarov., fig. shower upon
забросаться v
Gruzovik, inf. begin to throw at one another; begin to pelt one another with; begin to rush to; begin to throw oneself on/upon
inf. begin to pelt one another (with); begin to rush (to); begin to throw oneself (on, upon)
забросать: 61 phrases in 4 subjects