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verb | verb | to phrases
заблуждаясь vstresses
Игорь Миг misguidedly
заблуждаться v
gen. be all abroad; misbelieve; mistake; be in error; stray; make a mistake; misunderstood (andrucci); delude oneself; wander; hallucinate; be under a delusion; be mistaken; misestimate (Andrey Truhachev); misjudge (something Andrey Truhachev); be way off the mark (4uzhoj); make mistake on (относительно кого-то, чего-то; Conservative pundit says she made a mistake on Trump aol.com Oleksandr Spirin); be at fault; have another think thought coming (возможны варианты – have (get) another thing (think, thought) coming Finoderi); do wrong; bungle; mistakenly think (People mistakenly think current redevelopment is leading to density which is leading to affordability. Not happening. (Twitter) ART Vancouver); deviate; err; estray; cherish a fallacy; go aside; go astray; be out; warp; go the wrong way; go out of one's way (а вот тут поподробнее, пожалуйста SirReal); have got another thing coming (Finoderi); be out of (sth); be out of it; out of (sth.); out of it
Gruzovik err
Игорь Миг miscalculate
adv. make mistake
amer. off base (If you're implying that we screwed up, you are off base Taras)
busin. get the wrong end of the stick
econ. be confused (A.Rezvov)
Makarov. labour under a delusion; labour under a mistake; delude one's
nautic. trip
obs., poetic misdeem
relig. be under delusion (Lena Nolte)
slang be out in left field; have the wrong number (Interex)
заблуждать v
Gruzovik, inf. begin to wander; begin to roam
inf. wander (также перен.)
жестоко заблуждаться v
gen. be under the delusion; labor under the delusion
: 77 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Bookish / literary1
Obsolete / dated2