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verb | verb | to phrases
забеспокоиться vstresses
gen. tweak out (To become very upset, worried, flip out or freak out Lu4ik); become anxious; become uneasy
Gruzovik begin to feel uneasy; begin to worry
Makarov. begin to worry (начать беспокоиться)
sarcast. develop a concern (I don't trust Mayor Sweeney and his council, after the election, to carry through with this policy. It's no coincidence that they have all of a sudden developed a concern about low-income tenants being displaced by developers. – ни с того, ни с сего забеспокоились о судьбе ART Vancouver)
забеспокоить v
Gruzovik, inf. begin to worry; begin to disturb
: 2 phrases in 1 subject