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жду не дождусьstresses
gen. I can hardly wait; it can't come soon enough (Personally, it can't come soon enough. – Лично я жду не дождусь. ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг I can't wait for
humor. living for it (Taras); I'm living for it (Taras)
inf. I can't wait; I can't wait (to eagerly anticipate; to find it unbearable to wait for a forthcoming pleasurable event): "I can't wait for that party on Friday. ")
ironic. I'll count the moments (ART Vancouver)
ждать не дождаться
gen. not be able to wait to (to eagerly anticipate; to find it unbearable to wait for a forthcoming pleasurable event): "I can't wait for that party on Friday." AlexandraM); one can hardly wait (+ gen., for)
inf. await impatiently
Makarov. be anxiously awaiting for ((someone, something, to do something) кого-либо, чего-либо)
ждёт не дождётся
gen. cannot wait to (AlexandraM)
ждёт не дождётся
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects