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если мне не изменяет памятьstresses
gen. if my memory does not play me false; if my memory doesn't fail me (Yanick); if I remember rightly (Anglophile); if my memory serves me right (VLZ_58); if my memory is correct (Technical); if my memory serves me; unless memory deceives me (Unless memory deceives me, there are two bottles of Molson Dry left in the fridge. ART Vancouver); if my memory is not at fault (VLZ_58)
idiom. if memory serves me (Баян)
inet. IIRC (со склерозом :) Alex_Odeychuk); if I remember correctly (Alex_Odeychuk); if I recall correctly (со склерозом :) Alex_Odeychuk)
IT if I recall remember, recollect correctly
если мне не изменяет память
: 14 phrases in 4 subjects