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noun | noun | to phrases
драки nstresses
slang brush
драк n
gen. bear-garden
драка n
gen. scuffle; battle royal; fray; fighting; scramble; scrimmage; scrummage; allcomers (массовая); brannigan; knockdown; barney; infighting; wigs on the green; stoush (fight, dispute, brawl AnnaB); exchange (denghu); dustup (Anglophile); knock me down; mix in; punch out; punch up; rough and tumble; up and downer; maihem; mayhem; rammy (КГА); go-round; fight; affray; row; scrap; scrum; turn-to; turn-up; turn up; fistfight; battle; battle (to fight somebody's battles for him – лезть в схватку за кого-либо); punching match (First they exchanged some angry words, then it turned into a full-blown punching match.-- переросло в настоящую драку ART Vancouver); tussle; battery; buffeting; counter scuffle; muss (шуточная, для игры); squabble; squabbling; physical altercation (TranslationHelp)
austral. Balmain folk dancing (от названия неблагополучного пригорода Сиднея collegia); biffo (collegia)
austral., inf. blue
brit. aggro (Aly19); ding-dong (ssn)
fig. struggle (Andrey Truhachev)
hockey. fisticuffs (You will be hard-pressed to find a player denouncing the league’s new rule changes, whether they are in favor or not, because the results have been positive. Perhaps the lone drawback has been the lack of fisticuffs, an aspect that always has been a fan favorite. VLZ_58); altercation (VLZ_58); waltz (It was 2-2 entering the third period, and all hell broke loose in the fifth minute. Four fights and a waltz occurred simultaneously, and players then began changing partners. – После второго периода счёт был 2:2, а на пятой минуте третьего началась массовая драка. VLZ_58); exchange of pleasantries (Один из эвфемизмов "fighting". VLZ_58); brouhaha (Один из эвфемизмов "fighting". So many things have changed since 1987. For instance, today's disciplined Canadian squads wouldn't think of blowing their shot at a gold medal by getting into a full-fledged brouhaha, regardless of the rights or wrongs of the situation. VLZ_58); gathering of the clans (Эту фразу произносят комментаторы, когда на помощь двум дерущимся игрокам выскакивают их одноклубники. Mike Emrick (Hawks-Caps, 011013) VLZ_58); exchanging pleasantries (Rupp and Nichol are exchanging pleasantries near the benches and White skates over, as does Moen, and the gloves fly. VLZ_58); tilly (VLZ_58)
inf. mix-in; punch-out; punch-up; mix-up; set-to; mix (plushkina); up-and-downer
jarg. hassle
law combat; mutual combat
n.amer., austral. donnybrook
obs. affrayment; digladiation (на шпагах); stour
pris.sl. altercation (Taras)
scottish collieshangie; tousle
slang brawl; dance; hassel; ruckus; rumble; the bricks; workout; square go (knorb); fracas (mazurov); romp
sport. dance (Once in a while we have a dance, even with a black eye. (Bobby Orr with Dick Grace, Orr on Ice). – Время от времени у нас случаются драки, заканчивающиеся даже синяками под глазами. VLZ_58)
vulg. ass-kicking (особ. ногами)
: 442 phrases in 27 subjects
American usage, not spelling10
Criminal law1
Figure of speech1
Ice hockey10
Mass media2
Military lingo1
Notarial practice3
Uncommon / rare2