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доход от долевого участия
 доход от долевого участия
fin. draw
| в
energ.ind. volt
inf. 2
 в ...
mil. avia. to ...
Makarov. intra-; intro-; in-
O&G vertical
 PerformancePoint Services в Microsoft SharePoint Server
comp., MS PerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| дочерних компаниях
 дочерняя компания
leg.ent.typ. subsidiary

to phrases
доход от долевого участияstresses
fin. draw (Wages or salary is income from employment or self-employment; interest is earned by lending; a dividend is the income from owning corporate stock; and a draw is income from a partnership. Fesenko)
доход от долевого участия: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1