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доступный языкstresses
gen. layman's terms (MichaelBurov); lay terms (MichaelBurov); layperson's terms (MichaelBurov); layperson terms (MichaelBurov); laypeople terms (MichaelBurov); laypeople's terms (MichaelBurov); laity's terms (MichaelBurov)
comp., MS available language (A language pack that is present in the langpacks folder, but is not yet installed to the Windows image. To install an available language, you must run Windows Setup. Optionally, you can use the Lpksetup.exe tool to install a language pack after Windows is installed)
law plain language (plain language is clear, straightforward expression, using only as many words as are necessary. It is language that avoids obscurity, inflated vocabulary and convoluted sentence construction. It is not baby talk, nor is it a simplified version of any natural language. It lets the audience concentrate on the message instead of being distracted by complicated language, so the audience understands the message easily. Alex_Odeychuk)
доступным языком
gen. in words of one syllable (Anglophile); in plain English (ART Vancouver); in accessible language (triumfov); in simple terms (sankozh)
law in plain language (Alex_Odeychuk)
доступный язык
: 20 phrases in 6 subjects
Mass media1