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gen. overtake; drive; pursue; try to catch up; be overtaking; catch
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Makarov. inflation

verb | verb | to phrases
догонять vstresses
gen. overtake; drive; pursue; try to catch up; be overtaking; catch; run down; gather on (судно); chevy; draw upon (кого-либо); hurry after (кого-либо); run for; come up with (кого-либо); chase; draw level with (Ремедиос_П); overhaul; catch up; catch up with (sth.); close in on (come nearer to someone being pursued: "the police were closing in on them" (Oxford Dictionary): As a member of the US Coast Guard, he was stationed between Hawaii and Japan during July-August 1969. On a deck watch on the ship bridge, he was alerted that targets were closing in on the ship, flying in formation at a staggering 3,500 mph (picked up on radar). They saw three bright white objects that flew above the vessel and then disappeared over the horizon. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); play catch-up ball (US officials have expressed alarm about falling behind. According to Michael D. Griffin, a former Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, "We don't have defenses against those systems … Should they choose to employ them, we would be today at a disadvantage. We're playing catch-up ball." rt.com dimock); be gaining on sb/sth for something (кого-либо; в процессуальном значении; в чём-либо NickNadtochiy); be gaining on sb/sth for something (кого-либо; в чём-либо; в процессуальном значении NickNadtochiy); attain; join a person (кого-л.)
Игорь Миг make sense of
amer., inf. pile (кого-либо)
busin. catch up with
dipl. overtake (напр., по объёму производства)
Gruzovik, fig. raise to (impf of догнать)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. catch up with (impf of догнать)
idiom. gain ground on (VLZ_58)
inf. catch drift (Aprilen); come in on (о бедах и т.п.: We're kind of safe from the rest of the world, but the rest of the world is here and all of those things are coming in on us now and we're having to deal with them. • "They (blacks) were all around us, had always been, living around us, waiting on us, sharing our lives, brought up with us, nursing us, cooking for us, mourning and rejoicing with us, making us laugh, stealing from us, digging our graves," she wrote. "But when all the troubles started coming in on us after the Freedom Riders and the Ole Miss riots, we decided not to talk about it." suntimes.com)
Makarov. come up (об уходящем); draw upon (someone – кого-либо); be after (someone – кого-либо); ride down; run after; pull up
Makarov., amer. pile after (кого-либо)
nautic. gain on; gain upon; reach
navig. gain up on
obs. overget
slang get it (Александр_10); follow (I'm not following – что-то я не догоняю SirReal); get a handle on somebody (понимать кого-то или что-то vogeler); have a handle on somebody (понимать кого-то или что-то vogeler)
sport. make up lost ground
догоняться v
gen. catch up (with; также перен.); gain upon; overtake; run down; drive (to)
fig., inf. raise (to)
догоняешь? v
inf. savvy?
догоняемый prtc.
gen. chasee (в играх типа "салочки": If the chaser (goose) tags the chasee (it), the chaser (goose) may return to their previous spot and the original chase (it) restarts the process wikipedia.org Glebokor)
догоняющая: 61 phrases in 18 subjects
Cycling other than sport1
Ice hockey2