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договор подряда
law Independent Contractor Agreement
 договор подряда
law contract of work and labour; contract of hiring work; works contract; contract of work and labor; work and labor; work and labour
law, ADR tender
| на
gen. on
| монтаж стальных конструкций
 монтаж стальных конструкций
construct. steelwork erection

to phrases
договор подрядаstresses
gen. construction contract (Lavrov); contract for work and labor (Lavrov); contractor's agreement (Lucym); contract for work and labour (AD Alexander Demidov); contractor contract (Alexander Demidov); work and labour contract (fewer UK hits Alexander Demidov)
busin. contract agreement; job contract (Johnny Bravo)
construct. owner-contractor agreement; EPC contract (oVoD); general contract
EBRD contract; contract for labour and materials (oVoD); contract of service (oVoD)
econ. contractor agreement (Lucym); turn-key contract
law contract of work and labour; contract of hiring work; works contract; contract of work and labor; work and labor; work and labour; contract of independent contractor work (par Khristopher Osakwe Leonid Dzhepko); independent-work contract
notar., lat. locatio-conductio operis
busin. tender (на весь комплекс работ; тж. tender contract)
law, ADR tender (на весь комплекс работ, тж. tender contract)
Makarov. tender (на весь комплекс работ); tender contract (на весь комплекс работ)
договоры подряда
gen. works contracts (What is the meaning of works contract? Answered by The WikiAnswers® Community A contract for carrying out any work which includes assembling, construction, building, altering, manufacturing, processing, fabricating, erection, installation, fitting out, improvement, repair or commissioning of any movable or immovable property. Where the works contract is in the nature of a taxable SERVICE, service tax will be liable on the value of such contract. Where goods are transferred and form integral part of the execution of such contract, VAT would be liable on such value of contract. Alexander Demidov); procurement agreements (Maria_Shal)
Договор подряда
gen. contracting agreement (tfennell)
law Independent Contractor Agreement (AmieEnnemie)
договор подряда на монтаж стальных конструкций
: 79 phrases in 19 subjects
Civil law1
Corporate governance1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development6
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas1
Project management2
Sakhalin R2
SAP tech.1