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gen. unconstrained; unbidden; ultroneous; open source; free-will; unprescribed
account. voluntary
busin. optional
| надетая маска
 надеть маску
gen. mask
| молчания
gen. hush
| которую
gen. who
| он
slavon. archaic name of the letter о
| носил
gen. waft
| последние
gen. latest
| пять лет
 пяти лет
gen. five years of age
| больше не
 больше не
gen. any more
| мешает
gen. be out in the way
| ему принят
 он принят
gen. he is entered
- only individual words found

to phrases
добровольный adj.stresses
gen. unconstrained; unbidden; ultroneous (тж. шотл. юр.); open source (queen_ei); free-will; unprescribed; done voluntary; made voluntary; uncoerced; unenforced; unforced; willed; free; voluntary; gratuitous; spontaneous; unasked; volunteer; willing; freewill; unurged; ultroneous; unbesought; wilful; wiling; wiling hearted
account. voluntary (напр., о страховании)
busin. optional; non-mandatory (~ audit – дополнительная / внеочередная аудиторская проверка, проведение которой компания заказывает, напр., чтобы предоставить дополнительное подтверждение своей надежности Alexander Oshis)
econ. self-imposed (a self-imposed carbon tax ART Vancouver); optional (необязательный); unsalaried (Andrey Truhachev)
law willful (Право международной торговли On-Line)
med. volitional
obs. uncompelled; unexacted
uncom. voluntative
welf. elective (о взносе в пенсионный страховой фонд, например. mtovbin)
добровольно adv.
по собственной воле; без принуждения
gen. ex gratia; voluntarily; willingly; of one own's accord; of one's own accord; of one's own free will; on one's own accord; of one's own motion; freely (buhlerav); of his own accord; wiling; wilfully
formal of one's own will ("The owner of an open-top convertible called Vancouver police about 6 p.m. on Sunday to say he had returned to his parked Chevrolet Corvette supercar in the Sunset Beach parking lot to find a stranger had climbed inside the vehicle through the open roof and was sitting in the driver's seat without his consent. (...) When it became clear the man would not leave the car of his own will, officers used a bean bag shotgun on the man's legs, which allowed officers to move in and arrest the 36-year-old Vancouver man." The Province ART Vancouver)
insur. voluntary
lat. ex proprio motu (acrogamnon)
law of mere motion; spontaneously; free
Makarov. for choice; of one's own volition
obs. wilingly
patents. of one's free will
добровольно надетая маска молчания, которую он носил последние пять лет, больше не мешает ему принят: 1 phrase in 1 subject