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добраться доstresses
gen. get on to (кого-либо); come for (fa158); make it up to (Last weekend was a little crazy for us and we weren't able to make it up to the post office. – добраться до почтового отделения / выбраться на почту ART Vancouver); get to (чего-либо – как в прямом, так и в переносном смысле: I could list hundreds of examples of this stuff. I also genuinely understand that it would be easy to call these things nitpicky, and I'll get to the discussion of why they're not later. polygon.com); get across to (We've still got to get across to the antenna control room. We can get across to Devon.  Alex_No_Chat); get hold of (чего-либо: I'm sorry I only got hold of my phone just now so I was not able to answer your text messages. • Sorry guys, something came up, just got hold of my phone. gennier); get across to (кого-л., чего-л.); reach (sb., кого-л.); get (добычи: The adventurous marmot likely went unnoticed until the city cleared heavy underbrush on the vacant lot, exposing the animal’s deep burrow. “So once we knew that this was the case, the project was shut down immediately and I’ve been monitoring it since,” said Negenman. Now that the lot has been cleared, Morty’s burrow is easer for dogs to spot, and sniff. “The concern is that a dog or coyote may get the marmot, and we don’t want that to happen,” she added. ctvnews.ca ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг make it out to; made one's way through
disappr. reach (Nothing will change unless some accountability is introduced into the system. With no way to reach planning department managers and no ombudsperson, the city bureaucracy will continue to bully and torture permit applicants with impunity. – Если невозможно добраться до [нужного чиновника] twitter.com ART Vancouver)
idiom. lay one's hands upon (sb. – кого-л.: "You see how easy it was for me to lay my hands upon you when once I had started upon the right trail." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
inf. get around to (невыполненной работы, постепенно: No worries, I'll get around to it. – Я до этого ещё доберусь. У меня ещё руки до этого не дошли. • I bought a light fixture to replace the bulb in the bedroom. Someday I'll get around to installing it. ART Vancouver); make it to (Damirules)
Makarov. come at (кого-либо)
transp. connect to (sankozh)
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: 195 phrases in 16 subjects
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