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gen. get to; reach; gain; strike; win; find way
hunt. chase; pursue
| попутным транспортом
 попутный транспорт
auto. preceding traffic

verb | verb | to phrases
добираться vstresses
gen. get to; reach; gain; strike; win; find one's way; attain; get picked up (напр., на работу и т.п. Alex_Odeychuk); finish collecting; finish gathering; finish setting up; finish typesetting; hit; commute (на работу из пригорода и обратно Enrica); get around (до нужного места, напр., в городе: Walking was his preferred way of getting around. • Aren't you curious about how I get around so fast? sankozh); get at (до); get; hitch a ride on (- l brought dinner. – How did you manage this? – l had to hitch a ride on a cargo truck. – What happened to your car? Taras); get one’s hands on (someone)
Gruzovik arrive at/in (impf of добраться)
amer. chopper in (вертолётом куда-либо; Just choppered in from two days on the USS Ronald Reagan. Val_Ships); make (куда-либо: to make for home Val_Ships)
archit. trace
Gruzovik, hunt. be chased; be tracked; be pursued
Gruzovik, inf. deal with (impf of добраться); get at (impf of добраться)
Gruzovik, obs. be rated; be scolded
hunt. chase; pursue; track
inf. get (at); reach (with до)
Makarov. get round (до сути дела и т.п.); get around (до сути дела и т. п.); get on (до чего-либо)
mil., arm.veh. get at
obs., inf. rate
transp. drive up (Andrey Truhachev); ride up to something (Andrey Truhachev); connect (connect to an airport sankozh)
добирать v
gen. finish setting up (MichaelBurov); collect additionally (MichaelBurov); gain additionally (MichaelBurov); gain to satisfaction (MichaelBurov); gain to fit (MichaelBurov); put together (напр., недостающие голоса для прохода на выборах to put together enough votes to take over Побеdа)
Gruzovik finish gathering (impf of добрать); finish collecting (impf of добрать)
context. make up for
Gruzovik, hunt. pursue (impf of добрать); chase (impf of добрать); track (impf of добрать)
Gruzovik, obs. scold (impf of добрать); rate (impf of добрать)
Gruzovik, polygr. finish typesetting (impf of добрать)
inf. deal with (impf of добраться)
Makarov. gather additionally
добираться: 64 phrases in 10 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Humorous / Jocular1