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диплом бакалавра
 диплом бакалавра
gen. honours degree; undergraduate credit
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 по программе
gen. under the scheme

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диплом бакалавраstresses
gen. honours degree (a British university degree that is above the basic level in one or two particular subjects first/second/third class honours degree joint honours degree (=a degree in two main subjects). Applicants should have, or expect to have, a good honours degree in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering or Mathematics. Competition is keen and candidates must offer a minimum of an upper second class honours degree together with evidence of satisfactory financial arrangements. LDCE Alexander Demidov); undergraduate credit (Johnny Bravo)
ed. bachelor's degree (первая, низшая ступень высшего образования Alexander Matytsin); certificate of bachelor's degree (Johnny Bravo); bachelor degree (Johnny Bravo); Bachelor's Diploma (Johnny Bravo); Bachelor Diploma (Johnny Bravo); undergraduate degree (to be issued to undergraduate students seeking a bachelor's degree Johnny Bravo); undergraduate degree certificate (Johnny Bravo)
диплом бакалавра: 27 phrases in 4 subjects
British usage, not spelling1