
   Russian English
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gen. inexpensive; bargain-basement; cheapjack; chintzy; nickel-and-dime; penny-ante
| наполнитель
gen. filler
| из
gen. amongst
| мясных отходов
 мясные отходы
anim.husb. waste meat
| запрещённый для использования
 запрещённый для использования
tech. exclusive band
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| продуктах
IT OLTP product
| в ряде стран
 в ряде стран
geogr. in a number of countries
| но
gen. but
- only individual words found

to phrases
дешёвый adj.stresses
gen. inexpensive; bargain-basement; cheapjack; chintzy; nickel-and-dime; penny-ante; three-farthing; flashy; penny; third rate; dime; jitney; threepenny; tuppenny; twopenny; halfpenny; third-rate; Brummagem; low-priced; two a penny; crummy; pinchbeck; raffish (об эффекте и т.п.); sixpenny; tacky (Anglophile); tin-pot (Anglophile); affordable (Alexander Matytsin); bargain basement; low cost; low price; nickel and dime; penny ante; three farthing; worthless; poor; uncostly (ssn); meretricious (Стас Петров); cheap; ten a penny; bargain priced (The reality is that no government has the means to house the entire nation. If the NDP promised bargain priced rentals for $300 per month forever, then I want that too! I'll sell my place and take the government freebies! Hell yeah! ART Vancouver); chargeless; gimcrack (Xenia Hell); off-brand (MariaDroujkova); gawdy (TimurRin); of low cost (I. Havkin); low (of a price)
account. utility
adv. price-oriented; economy-priced
amer. honky-tonk (Anglophile); schlocky (a movie with schlocky special effects Taras)
amer., obs. vile
brit. cheap-as-chips (Mongolian_spy)
busin. low-cost
construct. low-end
derog. a penny plain; and twopence coloured; hedge
EBRD downmarket (raf)
econ. low-price
econ., fr. bon marche
fig. kitsch (напр., о книге, фильме igisheva); kitschy (igisheva); low-stakes (plushkina); vulgar
Gruzovik, fig. empty
inf. poor man's something (Andrey Truhachev); coffee-and-doughnut; dime-a-dance (HomerS); as cheap as chips (BroKE); piss-poor (Taras)
invect. chicken shit
law economy; economic
obs. gain; gaining; gain ground
slang hunger; Cheap John; crumby; from hunger; gummy; ham; jitney (bus); Mexican; Model-T; ratty; reach-me-down; schlub; small; snide; two-bit; cheesy (в основном об одежде Franka_LV); low rent (Interex); rinky-dink (Interex); like thirty cents; creepy; scroungy; sleazy; sooner
tech. value-priced
дешевле adj.
gen. cheaper (Vasilisk3); for less (Own a laptop for less than a coffee a day! | Do it right for less! | Ride for less with the new pass. ART Vancouver); for under ("It seems that my attendance in Ottawa coincided with that of the premier of China's official visit. Not a hotel room available in Ottawa for under $400." (North Shore News) ART Vancouver); less costly (We are going to remodel and redecorate to avoid full-on renovations. It's less costly and more convenient. – дешевле и удобнее ART Vancouver); under
econ. lower priced (Andrey Truhachev); at a cheaper price (Andrey Truhachev); at a lower price (Andrey Truhachev); at a more favorable price (Andrey Truhachev); at a more favourable price (Andrey Truhachev); at a discount compared to (чего-либо A.Rezvov)
math. be lower in cost; at less cost
"дешёвый" adj.
inf. cheesy (низкосортный, низкопробный, халтурный; "дешёвая" вещь, "дешёвое" представление, "дешёвый" фильм;: That is really a cheesy looking outfit)
дешёвый наполнитель из мясных отходов , запрещённый для использования в продуктах в ряде стран , но
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Food industry1