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детёныш nstresses
gen. young one; calf (парнокопытных (оленя), а также слона, кита, тюленя и некот. др. животных); whelp; youngling; fruit; cub (лисы, волка, медведя, льва и тигра; тж. в перен. смысле: I know that should the bad things start, I going to lift my mama-mask and protect my cubs.); fawn; baby (особ. об обезьянах); pullus; toto; whelp (дикого зверя); littlun (little one pavlin4ik); calves (оленёнок, слонёнок (и т.п.)); puppy; bantling; mop; pout; vixen (лисиц); young animal
abbr. kit (Lana Falcon)
agric. youngster
austral. joey (преим. кенгуру: Female marsupials have pouches, meaning a dead one could be carrying offspring, and the painted markings show the pouch has been checked for a joey. The practice means that other passing wildlife rescuers do not waste time or take unnecessary risks on the roadside looking for a live joey inside the dead marsupial. dailymail.co.uk)
biol. young; infant (resuscitationjournal.com I. Havkin)
fish.farm. pup (dimock)
Gruzovik, zool. young of animals and birds
inf. little one (pavlin4ik); kid; kiddy; kiddie (Charikova)
leath. calf (напр., оленя или слона, или кита, или тюленя)
Makarov. cub (зверя); young animal (животное)
ocean. calf (кита, тюлен)
zool. cub; dog, fox, bear cub
детёныши n
gen. young; little ones; the little ones; young ones (животных)
coll. offspring (A scorpion that turned up in a Vancouver resident's home last month following a recent trip to Cuba has now given birth. Staff at the Victoria Bug Zoo confirm in an online post that the scorpion has produced about 20 offspring, and the whole family is doing well. (...) They say Gail is doing a fine job of raising the babies, which are currently clustered on her back. When the offspring get a little bigger, zoo officials say they will be removed from Gail's cage in case she mistakes them for prey and devours them. (News 1130) ART Vancouver)
 Russian thesaurus
детёныши n
gen. в России 16-17 вв. крестьянские сироты, выросшие в монастырях и кабально зависевшие от них. Основная группа монастырских работников. Своей пашни не имели. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 99 phrases in 17 subjects
Maritime law & Law of the Sea1
Obsolete / dated1