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inf. zip it! (Yokky)
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gen. keep your mouth shut!
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gen. tie up the tongue; hold one’s tongue; close one's mouth; remain quiet (Just what was it that tried to drag Johnson down to her death and why was that “Colonel” snooping around and telling them to remain quiet on the matter? No one knows. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. keep things to oneself
idiom. keep one's mouth shut (I don't have to tell you how important it is for you to keep your mouth shut about all this. • If she had kept her mouth shut she would still have her job now.); button up one's mouth; hold peace; keep one's mouth tight shut; keep a still tongue in one's head (Anglophile); keep a quiet tongue in one's head (Anglophile); keep mum (Anglophile); save one's breath to cool one's porridge (Anglophile); button one's lip (Anglophile); choke in; stay shtum (Aly19); keep one's counsel (to keep one's own business private; to be discreet, careful, or circumspect in what one says concerning one's own thoughts, deeds, or situation; to keep a secret for someone else КГА); keep shtum (Anglophile); keep counsel (В.И.Макаров); keep one's head shut (В.И.Макаров); choke up (В.И.Макаров); hold one's tongue; keep one's trap shut (Abysslooker)
inf. keep it hush-hush (In 2010 the Croc made it to Fellfoot at the bottom of Lake Windermere before being captured again by Tim and his nephew District Councillor Ben Berry. Ben said, "We've kept it hush hush because of the tourism benefits of ‘bownessie' and the possible embarrassment of losing him once or twice, but due to pressure from National News outlets that found out we had Snappy and the connection between escapes and sightings, it's time to come clean to the public." englishlakes.blog ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг, idiom. be secretive; gloss over
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: 52 phrases in 7 subjects