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держи ухо востро!stresses
gen. mind your eye!
proverb be on the alert; keep a sharp lookout for (someone); be on one's guard
держи ухо востро
fig.of.sp. keep your eyes open (SergeiAstrashevsky)
держать ухо востро
gen. keep eyes open; keep eyes peeled; keep both eyes open; have an eye out for something (Anglophile); look out for squalls (Anglophile); keep eyes skinned; keep an eye cocked; have one's ear open; keep an eye on (Александр_10); keep ears to the street (Hand Grenade); weather; keep your ear to the ground (m_rakova); listen for (SirReal); be on the guard; stand upon one's guard; look about; keep a good look-out; be on one's guard; be on the alert; keep a sharp look-out; watch step; keep one's weather; keep one's ears open (Anglophile)
Gruzovik watch one's step
Игорь Миг be on one's toes
idiom. have the ear on the hark (Faststone); keep an eye out (4uzhoj); keep ear to the ground (Taras); keep on one's toes (If a team scratches in front of you, you will move up to their spot, so keep on your toes and listen carefully for announcements. 4uzhoj); watch one's step with (someone VLZ_58)
inf. buck ideas up; keep weather eye open; look out for the squalls (первонач. мор. rompey); be careful (Val_Ships); mind one's Ps and Qs; be on one’s guard
Makarov. keep both eyes peeled; keep both eyes skinned; keep both eyes wide open; keep one's ears open; keep one's eyes clean; keep one's eyes peeling; keep one's eyes wide open; keep one's weather
proverb be on the alert (imp.; more freq. inf. & imper.; not used with neg.); keep a sharp lookout for (imp.; more freq. inf. & imper.; not used with neg.; someone); keep a weather eye open (Anglophile); keep one's eyes open; keep one's eyes peeled; keep one's eyes skinned; keep one's eyes peeling; be on one's guard (imp.; more freq. inf. & imper.; not used with neg.)
slang keep one's eyes open
держите ухо востро
gen. look sharp
держи ухо востро
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects