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gen. hold the keys; maintain hold of; handle (q3mi4); keep control of (Maria Klavdieva); keep a check (on something Anglophile); maintain a hold upon (Anglophile); keep a tight rein on (triumfov); have a chokehold on (Taras); control; rein; keep under review (Aleksandra007); master (The network traffic between EPFL and our provider SWITCH is measured to allow a further data analysis to master the costs. I. Havkin); contain (о ком-либо Побеdа)
Игорь Миг have sway over; hold sway; monitor; keep under the radar; keep on their toes
adv. hold the key
amer. keep in check (It is vitally important to keep in check all relevant servers configuration settings. Val_Ships)
econ. hold the key of
fig.of.sp. hold in check (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom. keep under check (Navigatoress); hold at bay (fiuri2)
inf. be on top of (something – что-то 4uzhoj)
inf., n.amer. have a lock on (Баян)
Makarov. hold check; hold in check; keep in check; keep under
math. keep under control
over smb., smth. / держать под контролем
Makarov. hold the whip hand of
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gen. hold the key of
dipl. exercise control over; have control over
econ. hold the keys of something
Makarov. have control; hold the keys of something
polit. exercise control over something (ssn); exert control over something (ssn); hold control over something (ssn); implement control over something (ssn); have control over something (ssn)
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gen. get it covered (sea holly)
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fig.of.sp. hold master key (The Beatles empire was growing and Brian was no longer holding the master key Lily Snape)
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gen. keep sb. at bay
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: 40 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Mass media2
Security systems2