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gen. keep from the light
Gruzovik keep in the background
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gen. keep a low profile; keep out of the way; efface; keep in the background; stay in the background; be in the background (Interex); keep low profile; take a backseat; efface oneself; fly low; keep to the shadows (linton); be in the shade (на заднем плане); hide in the shadows (Abysslooker); remain in the background; live in the shadow
Игорь Миг blend in; fly below the radar; live below the radar; stay below the radar
amer. keep offstage (не привлекать внимание Val_Ships)
book. self-effacement; self-naughting
fig. keep a low profile (степень общественного интереса к какому-либо событию, лицу и т.п. Franka_LV)
idiom. fly under the radar (VLZ_58)
inf. play the sidekick (george serebryakov)
Makarov. remain in the shadow; be in the shade; keep shady
polit. keep someone's profile low (Марат Каюмов)
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gen. self-effacing
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: 10 phrases in 4 subjects