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делать запас
 делать запас
gen. lay in a stock; stockpile; fund
econ. lay a store; take in a store
nautic. store
 делать запасы
gen. lay in a stock; lay in
| на зиму
 на́ зиму
gen. for the winter

to phrases
делать запасыstresses
gen. lay in a stock; lay in (Alexey Lebedev); stockpile; lay in stock; lay in stores of (чего-либо, на зиму)
account. squirrel away (напр., продуктов)
econ. lay in a store; take in a stock; take in a store; squirrel away
Makarov. lay a store of something (чего-либо); lay in a store of something (чего-либо); lay in stores of something (чего-либо); lay in supplies; store supplies
shipb. store
делать запас
gen. lay in a stock; stockpile; fund; lay in stores
econ. lay a store; take in a store
nautic. store
делать запас: 16 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil / petroleum1