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gen. scuttle; defect; fink (out of; откуда-либо); turn the corner; abandon post; leave post; quit post; put on skates; rat; run; skin out (с военного корабля)
amer., slang bug; bug out; fink (out of) откуда-либо)
fig. jump ship (Баян)
idiom., mean.2 do the Dutch act (Robert is likely to be court-martialed for doing the Dutch act while on active duty in Iraq.)
inf. take a powder (MichaelBurov)
Makarov. fink out of (откуда-либо)
mil. desert (со службы); bludge; desert the color; desert the colours; lam; forsake one's colours
mil., inf. quit; take a powder
mil., jarg. take hill; be round the corner
mil., lingo go AWOL (I remembered an army guy, a deserter. Young guy, not a bad recruit, went AWOL because he got some nut religion. 4uzhoj); swallow the anchor (MichaelBurov); beat it (MichaelBurov); drop the hooks (или сержантов MichaelBurov); hit the hump (MichaelBurov)
mil., navy jump ship (с корабля MichaelBurov)
nautic. jump
slang split
slang, mil. go over the hill
: 11 phrases in 4 subjects