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verb | verb | to phrases
гулять vstresses
gen. make merry; walk; drab; hell; promenade; ramble; go for a walk; paint the town red; take a walk; go on the razzle-dazzle; take exercise; go on the razzle; go on the razzmatazz; go out on the town; hoof (Aly19); stroll around (stroll around Paris – гулять по Парижу markovka); walk around (markovka); walk about; burn up the town (В значении "веселиться" Alexander Oshis); be about (напр., по городу); sweep; go on a bat; be out for a walk (*Couple spots 'bus-sized' creature in Loch Ness* Corey Sturrock and his wife had been out for a walk when they spotted something very large in the water. "I have been camping and walking on Loch Ness my whole life and I have never believed in the Loch Ness monster," said Corey. (...) He described the creature as 'eel-like' but also 'the size of a bus'. -- гуляли unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver); path; go walking (sophistt); stroll; sport (изменять teterevaann); undertake a walk (Andrey Truhachev); go for a stroll (Andrey Truhachev); have a walk (Andrey Truhachev); have a ball (напр., на свадьбе yandex.ru dimock); saunter (в знач. "неспешно прогуливаться"; to stroll, or walk at a leisurely pace; to walk about in an idle or leisurely manner: One could lie under elm trees in a lawn, or saunter in meadows by the side of a stream. • Forget about strolling down to the shops to get a newspaper or sauntering in the park with the family on Sundays.)
Gruzovik lie awake (of a baby; impf of погулять); go with (impf of погулять; have sexual relation with); be untilled (of land); be uncultivated (of land); stroll
Игорь Миг tomcat
amer. make time with (someone – с кем-либо VLZ_58)
austral., slang leg it
biol. amble
context. splurge (Will you put her in an Uber for me, please? You know what, splurge (гуляем). Get an Uber Black. Shabe)
fig. philander (SirReal)
Gruzovik, inf. go on the spree (impf of погулять); have time off; not to be working; have a good time (impf of погулять); lead a dissolute life (impf of погулять); make merry (impf of погулять); of land be untilled; of land be uncultivated; of a baby lie awake (impf of погулять)
idiom. live life like a long lost weekend (VLZ_58); hit the town (VLZ_58)
inf. go on a bar crawl (Yanick); hang out (с кем либо (чаще с друзьями) Rinienne); live it up (Юрий Гомон); hike; party (Andrey Truhachev); hang out with (с Andrey Truhachev); cruise; wander (изменять супругу, постоянному партнёру igisheva); play around (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); play about (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); have affairs (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); be out and about (esquimo); be off from work; have the day off; run around (with с + instr., with); take up (with); let it rip (VLZ_58); run around (Andrey Truhachev); run about (Andrey Truhachev); two-time (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); have a bit on the side (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); have an affair (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); cheat on (от супруга; someone Andrey Truhachev); stray (от супруга; have an affair Andrey Truhachev); carouse (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. be outdoors (проводить время на воздухе); ramble (без определённой цели)
Makarov., inf. go on the tiles; hell around; hoof it; toddle; be on the tiles
nonstand. keep company with (с кем-либо)
slang pub-crawl; joint hop; mope; be up the tiles; be upon the tiles; go up the tiles; go upon the tiles; hang (Alex Lilo); give it large (весело проводить время Юрий Гомон); have it large (весело проводить время Юрий Гомон); put out (SirReal); timber (вася1191); be go up the tiles; be go upon the tiles
tech., inf. float (в знач. "иметь люфт" Spindel)
гуляй v
amer. get lost (гуляй Ваня; завтра баня. Maggie); take a hike (Maggie); go away (Maggie); get away (Maggie)
Gruzovik, hist. galapago; testudo
rude, BrE piss off! (Artjaazz)
slang bog off (British Artjaazz); be off (Artjaazz); bugger off! (Artjaazz); buzz off (Artjaazz); clean out (Artjaazz); clear off (Artjaazz); get off (Artjaazz); get out (Artjaazz); hop off (Artjaazz); push along (Artjaazz); clear out (Artjaazz); sod (Artjaazz)
гуляющий prtc.
gen. walking; holiday-maker; holidayer; stroller; walker
obs. ambulative
trav. going for a walk; going for-walk
"гулять" v
gen. revel
inf. sleep around (Tamerlane)
Makarov., inf., amer. go together (с девушкой, парнем)
Makarov., obs. walk out (с кем-либо)
rude walk out (with; с кем-либо)
гуляющие prtc.
Gruzovik promenaders; strollers (those who walk at a leisurely pace; do not confuse with the small vehicles with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around)
гуляй! v
dog. walk!
rude, BrE piss off! (Artjaazz)
гуляться v
Gruzovik feel like walking
: 221 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Dog breeding1
Figure of speech1