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verb | verb | to phrases
губить vstresses
gen. waste; perish (обыкн. pass.); spoil; wreck; canker; scathe; ulcerate; undo; wilt (цветы); play hell; crab; dead; short-circuit (что-либо); play the devil; play the mischief; assassinate (что-либо); wither; drag down (Aly19); ravage (Игорь Primo); short circuit; fling down; play the deuce with; be wrecked (здоровье и т.п.); take off; decay (красоту); dish; moulder; sink; ruin; overwhelm; shipwreck; bring to ruin; be the undoing (of); kill; be the undoing (of); sink; settle someone's hash (кого-либо); blight; damnify; fordo; mow; spill; destroy
Gruzovik destroy; lay waste (impf of погубить)
Игорь Миг screw up (Don't screw up your life over this.)
amer., inf. pickle
austral., slang cook; queer; screw
fig. ruinate; ruination
idiom. be s/o's undoing (Liv Bliss)
inf. crab-tree; crabber; damn
Makarov. blast (посевы); play Old Harry; play havoc; play the bear; play the deuce; play the dickens; poison; swamp; undo (рост растений); wreck (здоровье, карьеру и т.п.); lay waste; play havoc the devil; play havoc the mischief; spell the death of (что-либо)
Makarov., inf. do for (обыкн. pass.)
med. ulcer
obs. bane; foredo
scub., fig. murder
slang rub; shoot down in flames (Interex)
губящий prtc.
gen. scathing
губиться v
Gruzovik be wasted; be destroyed (impf of погубиться)
погубить v
gen. rip apart (When the Algerian War was ripping apart the unstable Fourth Republic, the National Assembly brought him [de Gaulle] back to power during the May 1958 crisis. I. Havkin)
губить кого-либо v
idiom., fig. be one's nemesis (Контекст!: Меня губит безоглядное доверие = Uncritical trust is my nemesis. • Меня губит водка = Vodka is my nemesis Alexander Oshis)
: 49 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Mass media1