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gen. burst out; crash out
| как гром среди ясного неба
 как гром среди ясного неба
gen. be a thunderbolt from a clear sky

verb | verb | to phrases
грянуть vstresses
gen. crash; sound; ring; roar; break out; burst; start; thunder; resound (напр., о выстреле plushkina); ring out; erupt
Gruzovik throw oneself on/upon; strike up a song, etc; attack; fall with a crash; of sounds burst out; of sounds crash out; strike against
idiom. cut loose (A thunderstorm cut loose and provided a heavy, welcome rain. • [It was] some dimly remembered worship of regulations, instilled on parade grounds back when it all meant something, back before the war cut loose. 4uzhoj)
грянуться v
gen. strike against
Gruzovik crash; fall with a crash; strike against.
грянут v
gen. burst out; crash out
грянуть: 21 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1