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государство – участник соглашенияstresses
gen. member state of a treaty (Alexander Demidov)
государство-участник соглашения
gen. signatory state to a treaty (For this to occur the signatory states to the treaty must cede, or at the very least significantly diminish their sovereignty in these affairs. | Uniform Act Organizing and Harmonizing Accounting Systems in the Signatory States to the Treaty on the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa with ... | Italy was an original member of the European Community, being a signatory state to the Treaty of Rome in 1957. | ... 1 December 2005 employers located in another EU member state, in another signatory state to the Treaty on the European Economic Area or ... Alexander Demidov)
fin. treaty state
государство -участник соглашения
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Foreign affairs1