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господствующая высотаstresses
cartogr. maximum surface elevation
cartogr., mil. highest elevation; eminence
Gruzovik, mil. dominating height
Makarov. commanding hill; dominant hill; dominating ground
mil. commanding point; high point; dominant terrain (Their failure to seize the dominant terrain allowed the enemy to suppress practically the entire company area with fire. / The commander learned that he must control dominant terrain and position over-watch forces before beginning the sweep. 4uzhoj); commanding height (Then they chained and locked the mosque's fifty-one heavy iron gates and stationed snipers at all the commanding heights. 4uzhoj)
mil., arm.veh. dominating height; dominating hill; dominating ridge
topol. eminency
господствующая высота
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Figure of speech1
Wood processing1