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gen. hot; hot-tempered; ardent; violent; warm; cordial
| нефть
gen. oil
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to phrases
горячий adj.stresses
gen. hot (о джаз. музыке); оживленный, захватывающий); hot-tempered; ardent; violent; warm (о приёме, поддержке и т. п.); cordial; hard; full of beans; red-hot; vehement; darling (о желании); eager; earnest; fierce; heady; proud; spirited (о лошади); thermal (об источнике); tropical; rousing welcome; burning; broiling; calid; full-blast; gung-ho; high-spirited; hot-blooded; hot-spirited; warm-blooded; hotheaded; hotspur; mettlesome; scalding; spunky; full-blooded; hot-brained; peppered; peppery; keen as mustard; explosive; full blast; gung ho; hectical; high spirited; hot blooded; hot brained; hot spirited; hot tempered; hotspurred; warm blooded; hot-headed; live; having relatively high temperature; passionate; busy; fervent; glowing; heated; feelingful; adust; blazing (о следе); aglow; brainish; flagrant; flamy; hot headed; hot spur; hot spurred; impetuous; metaled; parching; peppering (о пряностях); rash headed; scalding hot; strenuous; intense; inflammable (VLZ_58); spitfire (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik hearty; quick-tempered; impassionate
Игорь Миг stalwart (поклонник)
agric. bean (о лошади); high-mettled (о лошади)
avia. short-tempered
book. incandescent
chem. hot
context. high-octane (sankozh)
dipl. zealous
fig. fiery; chilli (Franka_LV); sanguine; on-fire (Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, tech. high-temperature
hrs.brd. proud (о коне)
hunt. warm (о следе)
idiom. up in arms (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. spicy; hectic; spicey
Makarov. aflame; frisky (о лошади); full of guts (о лошади); full of hops (о лошади); full of prunes (о лошади); highly radioactive; quick in temper; tempestuous; torrid; as keen as mustard; mettled
mil., tech. thermal (источник)
obs. adusted; splenitive
poetic fervid
slang red hot; heavy; on fire; waxy
tech. hot (предмет)
win.tast. hot (о вкусовом ощущении от высокоспиртуозных спиртных напитков)
горячее adj.
cook. main course (mitasova); hot meal (dimock)
Gruzovik, inf. hot food
горяче adj.
astronaut. fire-and-hold
горячая нефть
: 34 phrases in 12 subjects
Obsolete / dated1
Oil / petroleum11
Oil and gas4
Oil and gas technology4